Inside the Artists: Steven Rand


This week, as we take a look at our next RAW Artists we should first reflect on the idea of mixed media the merger of abstract expressionism and collage as it mixes with graffiti all while seen through the eyes of a onetime media artist. I had the chance to sit down with a fellow classmate of mine from the University of Hartford and now another great RAW artist, Steve Rand.

“My goal is to create work that reflects on and is searching for our most human aspects by analyzing the varying landscapes and its inhabitants in our ever growing techno-culture.”   Steve’s work exemplifies this idea through his usage of bright flashy colors to invoke a flurry of feelings on the viewer, much like in the way that an advertiser goes about choosing the colors they use in an ad, or much like why McDonalds uses yellow to invoke hunger.  But Steve wasn’t always interested in painting, as mentioned before, he was originally a media artist, but after taking a painting class he discovered a new found love for the tactile feel of placing paint on canvas.

What I find interesting about Rand’s work is the combination of collaged photos of figures and how they play, not only within the confines of his matrix, but also how they interact with the multitude of color combinations that make up parts of his fore and background. “By paying homage to classical works and using untraditional mediums I create mixed media paints combining graffiti, action painting, abstract expressionism, collage, and color.”  Asking where the influence for these paintings comes from, Steve told me the process all comes from the idea of “automatic writing”, applying this to his off the cuff color combinations he likes to let the colors see where they’ll take him.  Most recently spray paint has played a major part in his work, “there’s a freeing element to it.”

If you are interested in seeing more of Steve’s work or purchasing one of his artist books you can find out more information about him and his work on his website,

With the rise of RAW: Connecticut, be sure to check out our next upcoming showcase at the Russian Lady New Haven.  Mark your calendars and be prepared to RAWk as we have our first showcase at our new venue, EXPRESSIONS on Wednesday May 29th.  Doors open at 8 and will remain so till midnight, for tickets, our artists and more information about RAW can be found at

Inside The Artists: Jamie Pearson


The play between line, color, positive space, negative space and the interaction between different planes of existence is what, to me, makes abstract art such an interesting and exciting form of art making.  The choice of how different colors will interact within a composition or how bisecting lines lay with or against its peers in space, these are the questions that abstract artists deal with whenever they start a new piece of work.  I see it much in the same way as writing, you have an idea or concept that you want to get across, but the words, your experiences, even if you have or haven’t had breakfast that morning will all decide the outcome of that piece of work.  Today we celebrate RAW artist Jamie Pearson, as he examines the ambiguity between the audience and author.

Inspired by artists such as Andy Warhol, Jean Mitchel Basquate and Salvador Dali, Jamie is working towards taking once recognizable shapes and symbols and changing them so that they become something different.  “I use a series of symbols to create my images, sometimes its words in a tagger style, ancient symbols from the past associated with esoteric societies and religions or some as easy as circles, squares and triangles. It really depends on how I’m feeling but it’s always a combination of symbols.”  When viewing Jamie’s work it is exciting, as the eye travels throughout the composition small details that could have originally been left unnoticed will pop up after the second, third or even fourth viewing; in a way that it is almost as if the painting is hiding something.  Some of my favorites of Jamie’s work are those that include different hues of the same overlapping color lying on top of a flat of another color to create a push and pull between multiple layers of positive and negative space.

          Working in almost a Rorschach-ian style, Jamie actually starts his paintings, not on the actual canvas, but on newsprint.  With the paint still wet he then folds it in half to create a balanced image before then printing the paint onto canvas, paper, wood or even metal.  This process is then repeated again and again using different colors and symbols. “My paintings are all about sharing the interpretation that one sees in them. To each their own!”  And it is in each painting that the viewer is encouraged to seek out their own understanding of the world.  “Painting is a powerful drug. It allows me to reflect on the past and the future; Think about history or how someone felt at a point in history.” 

          You can find out more about Jamie’s work and where to see it next on his Facebook page at or on his webpage which can be found at

With the rise of RAW: Connecticut, be sure to check out our next upcoming showcase at the Russian Lady New Haven.  Mark your calendars and be prepared to RAWk as we have our first showcase at our new venue, EXPRESSIONS on Wednesday May 29th.  Doors open at 8 and will remain so till midnight, for tickets, our artists and more information about RAW can be found at

Inside the Artists: Tom Ryan

"Stirgi the Owl"

What can still be said about a RAW artist that will soon be participating in his 5th showcase? Well quite a lot actually; not only a good friend of mine, but someone who is also a fantastic artist that I admired long before I got the chance to meet him.  Tom Ryan, a RAW Veteran, who, like most superheroes is a man with two first names, making him a perfect fit for this showcase of all things “MARVEL”.  I was happy to get the chance to sit and chat with Tom further find out just what it is that makes him tick.

“What really inspires me is just the day to day life, looking for the unexpected. It sounds cliché, but you really never know when inspiration is going to hit, so it’s just good to be ready for it!”  Evidence of this can be found in Tom’s work through some of his most recent designs featuring quotes taken from nostalgic cinema and pop culture.

But the real joy comes from the act of painting, “The day starts with a surface, I’ll prep up a piece of watercolor paper or a skateboard with spray paint.” Taken from a stockpile of canvases at the ready, so as to not waste any of that all-important creative fire, his backgrounds bring a certain level of whimsy to the overall work. The background highlights the composition through the use of urban accents, compelling patterns or the simply the natural beauty that comes from matrix being painted on.

But like with all great works of art each begins as an idea. “I let the colors and designs speak to me, which really tells me what the final image will be.” His colors are bright and organic with particular attention taken to each draw of the brush.  “I then use acrylics to block in color and after that I use ink to bring out the character of painting” But that’s not the end of the day for this artist of all trades, after a few quick thumbnail sketches it’s on to the next piece.

And it’s with that little bit of paint and a whole lot of time that life is breathed into his characters, each one with a personality all their own, but never losing the essence that simply put is “Tom”. If you’d like to learn more about Tom and his work can be found on his website at and while your their be sure to “Like It” to get all the latest on this “MARVEL”ous RAW artist.

Check out Tom’s and all the other RAW artists on Thursday April 4th for “Marvel”; a one night event at the Russian Lady, located on 191 Ann Uccello St, Hartford CT. Tickets can be purchase from the artists of your choosing for $10 or at the door for $15. Doors open at 8 and remain so till midnight, for tickets, artists and more information about RAW can be found at